/* MailTo-YAM.VRX by Michel 'Bitstorm' Labbé <mlabbe@quebectel.com>
** $VER: MailTo-YAM v1.06 (29.04.96)
** This is a very simple script designed for use with Voyager's new mailto:
** support.
** Thanks to Mike Fitzgerald for the original script
** Credits also goes to: DFDuck for helping me with ARexx programming
** Phideaux for early betatesting
** Olli for writing very nice softwares such as V
** Set Voyager's mailto: string as follow
** mailto: App [RX Rexx/MailTo-YAM.VRX "%h"]
** Now change the variables below to whatever fits for your setup.
** Notes: YAM must be running for the script to work
** To pop CED on V's Pubscreen, you need the GetPubScreen command
** Known bug(s):
** The script won't send the mail if YAM wasn't already running when you
** started the script and you have "Get mail on startup" turned on. To
** fix this, turn off that flag in YAM's configs.
AddSignature = 'Yes' /* use YAM's signature */
PopOnVScreen = 'Yes' /* pop CED on V's pubscreen */
Editor = 'CED' /* path/name of the editor */
Subject = 'Message from your URL' /* subject for the message */
YAMPath = 'YAM:' /* must end with : or / */
parse arg mailto
/* check for the presence of Libs:rexxsupport.library */
if ~show('L','rexxsupport.library') then do
if addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) then nop
else do
call showerror('This script needs the rexxsupport.library to work properly. This file can be found on your original Workbench 2+ disks and should be placed in Libs:')
exit 20
/* add YAM's signature if YAM:.signature file exists */
if(upper(AddSignature) = 'YES') then do
if exists(YAMPath'.signature') then
shell command 'copy 'YAMPath'.signature t:mail'
do call showerror('No signature file found! Please correct this in YAM or turn off signature adding in MailTo-YAM.VRX<BR>You should also check the YAMPath in MailTo-YAM.VRX')